Therapeutic riding is recreational therapy for disabled students to work on cognitive processing, participate in physical exercise, increase balance coordination, increase communication skills, and increase personal growth all while learning how to ride a horse. Riders that could benefit from Therapeutic Riding have disabilities including, but are not limited to:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injuries
Birth Defects
Attention Deficit Disorder
​A typical therapeutic riding lesson might include: learning grooming and saddling skills, games on horseback, pattern exercises, trail rides, and groundwork (such as leading the horse). Instructors are certified through PATH International. We are so proud of all the accomplishments our riders have made! They continue to astonish us with each lesson, not to mention all the fun we’re having at the same time!
Therapeutic riding is recreational therapy for disabled students to work on cognitive processing, participate in physical exercise, increase balance coordination, increase communication skills, and increase personal growth all while learning how to ride a horse. Riders that could benefit from Therapeutic Riding have disabilities including, but are not limited to:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injuries
Birth Defects
Attention Deficit Disorder
​A typical therapeutic riding lesson might include: learning grooming and saddling skills, games on horseback, pattern exercises, trail rides, and groundwork (such as leading the horse). Instructors are certified through PATH International. We are so proud of all the accomplishments our riders have made! They continue to astonish us with each lesson, not to mention all the fun we’re having at the same time!
Therapeutic riding is recreational therapy for disabled students to work on cognitive processing, participate in physical exercise, increase balance coordination, increase communication skills, and increase personal growth all while learning how to ride a horse. Riders that could benefit from Therapeutic Riding have disabilities including, but are not limited to:
Sensory Integration Disorder
Down Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injuries
Birth Defects
Attention Deficit Disorder
​A typical therapeutic riding lesson might include: learning grooming and saddling skills, games on horseback, pattern exercises, trail rides, and groundwork (such as leading the horse). Instructors are certified through PATH International. We are so proud of all the accomplishments our riders have made! They continue to astonish us with each lesson, not to mention all the fun we’re having at the same time!
At Bright Star Stables, we believe in the remarkable therapeutic power of the equestrian experience –
Because we believe that students of all ages, backgrounds, and ability levels can benefit from riding and working with the horses at our center. Whether they have physical, cognitive, sensory or emotional disabilities, we believe that all of our students are our brightest stars.
Bright Star Stables is a nonprofit organization which was established in 2010, giving riders with disabilities a place to learn to become effective and competitive equestrians. Therapeutic lessons are conducted at a PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International) certified facility located in Rougemont, North Carolina.
Students of all ages come to us with diverse backgrounds and ability levels. For children and adults with disabilities, working with horses like ours can be a life-changing experience. In fact, we believe no other therapeutic recreational opportunity offers so many benefits in such a holistic way. Students will be taught equine care, riding, handling, and management to their best level of ability.
Some of the Bright Star students have competed in a variety of equestrian shows for riders with special needs, as well as open, able-bodied horse shows. Our lesson horses are retired show horses that have experience in all classes. Classes are offered in a variety of disciplines: English and Western, including pleasure, trail, and showmanship.
We welcome you to browse this website to check out additional information and learn how you can become part of our ever growing extended family. Meet the horses and see how you can get involved in assisting us with our mission:
Building Riding Independence and Growth Helping Tomorrow’s Star’s Shine.